When I began to develop my relationship with a camera and using that it to exploring my relationships through its lens, men were largely absent. I didn’t have my first date until almost 18 and it was over after two weeks with a 3-year gap after that before beginning again. Instead, relationships with my girlfriends were what I truly cherished and what I chose to focus my lens on. My life lacked males to photograph outside my family.
My senior year of college I began dating my first ever boyfriend, Charles. Naturally I began to photograph him as well, as I did with any important person in my life. But, I quickly discovered that I wasn’t as comfortable photographing him and I was my girlfriends. I felt awkward and amateurish and my shots lacked the intimacy I normally aimed for. I began to realize I wasn’t comfortable because I was experiencing something so new that I was essentially starting over. So I pushed through it and kept photographing, determined to capture the same feelings present in those of my friend Sam.
After my graduation I moved to his place on his family’s farm, with plans to save and move to NYC together. Soon after our relationship ended abruptly and the series terminated with it.
“From now on, only post the WORST possible photos of me. Oh wait. You already do.” -SP
Coming along... More to come
Looking back at home.
© Catherine E. Ryan